• #madeinsummerhall Barney's Beer

    We are #madeinSummerhall

    Over 110 artists, businesses, makers, science and tech innovators occupying 60% of Summerhall in Edinburgh.

    A unique village, an ecosystem that has evolved over 13 years behind closed doors.The side of Summerhall you never knew existed until now.

  • #madeinsummerhall Storytelling PR

  • #madeinsummerhall Copystand Modern Prints
  • #madeinsummerhall Peter Diddin Photography
  • #madeinsummerhall
  • #madeinsummerhall hairdressing
  • #madeinsummerhall Plant shed
  • #madeinsummerhall
  • #madeinsummerhall
  • #madeinsummerhall Pickering's Gin
  • #madeinsummerhall

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